Just Another Day in Australia: Rangers Wrangle 1,300-lb. Crocodile to Keep It from Entering Town

Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife rangers have been trying to trap and move "big fella" the crocodile since 2010

Photo: Northern Territory Department of Tourism and Culture/AP/Shutterstock

While you are at the office answering emails, Australia’s Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife rangers are out there wrangling crocodiles as part of their day job.

Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife posted on Facebook on Tuesday that rangers captured, sedated and moved a 4.7-meter crocodile. That’s more than 15 ft. of scaly, scary reptile.

“Yesterday afternoon rangers caught a 4.7m male saltwater crocodile in a trap on private property 60km downstream from Katherine,” reads the post, which features a photo of the animal with six Parks and Wildlife employees to provide size comparison. “He was removed downstream from Katherine to help prevent human interaction in the more populated areas.”

According to Reuters, the male crocodile, estimated to be 60 years old, weighs more than 1,300 lbs. and is one of the larger crocodiles on record in the remote area — and the biggest ever taken from the Katherine River.

To protect both the massive animal and those living in the town of Katherine, the crocodile has reportedly been moved to the safety of a crocodile farm, where it will live out the rest of its life.

Crocodile, Katherine, Australia - 09 Jul 2018
Northern Territory Department of Tourism and Culture/AP/Shutterstock

This move was a long time coming, according to Reuters: the authorities of Australia’s Northern Territory have been trying to trap and relocate the creature since 2010.

Crocodile, Katherine, Australia - 09 Jul 2018
Northern Territory Department of Tourism and Culture/AP/Shutterstock

The robust male croc joins the ranks of 190 other crocodiles that have already been captured and moved from populated areas in the Northern Territory this year.

The Washington Post reports the near decade-long hunt for the croc known as “big fella” ended after rangers set a trap in the Katherine River last week. Along with catching this impressive predator, the trap also ensnared an 8-ft. crocodile. The largest crocodile ever captured in the region was a 20-ft.-long croc, nabbed in 1974.

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