Apple’s latest product releases (new iPhone versions 5C and 5S and the new iPad Air) have largely been criticized by investors and media as they are mainly considered as slightly modified previous models rather than really innovative product launches. As an (potential) investor:
“How satisfied are you with Apple’s latest product releases? Are they likely to significantly impact Apple’s competitive position versus peers? (Especially in direct comparison to top-rival Samsung)”
"Apple hat mit der Präsentation der iPhones 5S und 5C den Markterwartungen entsprochen, aber sicher nicht übererfüllt. Hervorzuheben ist der neue 64-Bit Prozessor, dem ersten seiner Art in einem Smartphone. Etwas überrascht hat der Preis des 5C, der über den Erwartungen lag. Darunter könnte die Konkurrenzfähigkeit im Tiefpreissegment und in den Schwellenländern leiden. Unter dem Strich sehen wir Apple in den Megatrends des Technologiesektors sehr gut positioniert.
Man kann aber auch auf Apple`s Zulieferer setzen und damit innerhalb der Wertschöpfungskette investieren. Für den Fingerprint-Sensor des neuen iPhones wird Saphirglas eingesetzt, was unsere Annahme für einen vermehrten Einsatz dieses Werkstoffs in Smartphones bestätigt hat."
Van der Biest:
"Whilst I admit that the latest product releases were not as innovating as we were used to, I ‘m convinced that it is increasingly difficult to make the difference in Handsets/tablets on formfactor and hardware characteristics alone. I felt relieved that Apple did not come out with cheap models (even I-phone 5C is not really a cheap handset) as the ultimate way to keep market share, because that would have hurt margins too hard, and would have implied a completely different business model. Apple really needs to come out with completely new products and services in order to keep its status as one of the most innovative IT companies in the world. If not, their competitive advantages will disappear very quickly."
Die Experten im aktuellen "Sector Update | Technology"

Anders Tandberg-Johansen
Head of Global Technology
DNB Technology Fund
DNB Asset Management

Johan Van der Biest
Senior Asset Manager
Dexia Equities B Global Technology
Dexia Asset Management