Pan-European Pension Forum

Our Pan – European Pension Forum is aiming to bring together all stakeholders of the pension fund industry in order to provide a great networking platform. Participants will have the chance to get familiar with different pension systems from the through case studies presented by industry experts. At the event, we will discuss key trends and issues that the pension funds and other institutional investors are facing right now. Markets | 18.04.2018 11:00 Uhr
©  Pan-European Pension Forum
© Pan-European Pension Forum
Archiv-Beitrag: Dieser Artikel ist älter als ein Jahr.


With 7% of the total world population, 20% of the world economy (in nominal GDP terms) and nearly 50% of the world’s retirement, social security and life-insurance assets, the European Union has become a “pension superpower” in its own right

For its 5th Annual EU Pension Forum, GLC is bringing together an impressive lineup of pension thought leaders from across the Union – from Edinburgh to Edirne: pension executives and board members (trustees) including trade union representatives and employee-nominated pension representatives; national pension/future generations reserve & sovereign wealth fund administrators; regional and supranational policy makers from the British Isles, Benelux, France, Italy, Central Europe, Scandinavia and the Balkans.

Plenary speakers and roundtable discussants include notably:

Dr. Elsa Fornero, University of Turin, former Minister of Labor, Social Policies and Gender Equality of Italy; Günther Schiendl, CIO, Board Member, VBV Pensionslasse; Fausto Parente, Executive Director, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA); Olivier Rousseau, Executive Director, France’s Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites (FRR); Albert Reiter, CFA, MBA (UCT), Founder/CEO,; David Weeks, Chairman, UK Association of Member-Nominated Pension Trustees (AMNT) and M. Nicolas J. Firzli, LL.M., Director-General, World Pensions Council (WPC), Advisory Board Member, World Bank Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF)

Join us to get to know the answers to some emerging questions within the industry, such as: How PEPPs will contribute to completing the Capital Market Union? How Artificial Intelligence will affect the pension industry?
Speakers coming from industry associations/organizations, with governmental or academic background and industry practitioners are joining to share their experience and know-hows in the field of investments and pensions management.

See you on 17th and 18th of May2018 in the historical city of Prague (Hotel Grand Majestic Plaza)and join us on this journey!

For further information about the event, please contact directly the organizers:

Email: [email protected]
Tel.:  +36 1 848 05 19

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