Philippe Waechter, Chefökonom von Natixis Global Asset Management, fasst die wichtigsten Makro-Entwicklungen der Woche anhand von 13 konkreten Punkten zusammen.
Natixis Investment Managers
| 03.11.2015 12:37 Uhr
Archiv-Beitrag: Dieser Artikel ist älter als ein Jahr.
13 points this week to follow the macroeconomic momentum.
1 – The Fed is back in the game after its last week meeting (27/28 October). It hasn’t changed the stance of its monetary policy but it has deeply changed its press release. Headwinds coming from the external environment of the US economy were the main point to notice in September. The message from the Fed was that the probability of a Fed’s lift-off this year was low. This point has been erased in the October’s press release. Moreover, the Fed has mentioned explicitly a potential change at its next meeting (15/16 December).
Can we expect a lift-off in December? I don’t think so. The main reason for a change would come from the US central bank commitment to hike its interest rates in 2015. But as always the decision will be data dependent. The current economic situation will not create tensions that could push the Fed to change its strategy very rapidly. Recent data on the ISM and on retail sales have shown weakness that cannot be a support for a change. Janet Yellen will testify in the Congress at the beginning of December (2 and 3). It could be a source of information on the Fed’s strategy
2 – GDP growth for the third quarter was nevertheless robust. GDP has increased by 1.5% at annual rate after 3.9% during the second quarter. The carry over growth for 2015 at the end of the third quarter is 2.3%.
3 – For the rest of the year, the consumption’s momentum should remain strong. Its profile is still consistent with Consumer Confidence index based on the University of Michigan’s survey. If there is no large and persistent negative shock, households’ expenditures will remain a strong support for growth.
5 – The fifth point is Mario Draghi’s interview to the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. He clearly says that the deposit facility rate is just an instrument and a drop of this rate would not change the objective of the monetary policy. This distinction is important as it is a possible source of change that could be announced at the December 3 meeting. Using this rate only as a technical instrument reinforce the idea of a 10 bp reduction to -30bp.
6 – The Eurozone inflation rate was at 0 in Octoberafter -0.1% in September. The carry over for 2015 at the end of October is 0% This is not good news for wage indexation.
The core inflation rate is creeping up to 1% after 0.9% in September. The carry over for 2015 is 0.8%. Services and goods prices are contributing to this increase.
Good week to everyone!
Philippe Waechter, Natixis Global Asset Management
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