Bausteine der 3. Asset Allocation Generation

Investoren stehen immer häufiger ratlos vor der Frage, wie sie ihre Portfolios in Zeiten finanzieller Repression und steigender Tail Risks diversifizieren können. Markus Schuller (Panthera Solutions) skizziert gemeinsam mit Dr. Rania Azmi (Advisor großer SWFs in Middle East), wie mittels 5 praktischer Bausteine die sich nun ausprägende, 3. Asset Allocation Generation angewandt werden kann. Markets | 18.12.0013 02:00 Uhr
Archiv-Beitrag: Dieser Artikel ist älter als ein Jahr.

4. Twelve 3GEN Imperatives for Practitioners

1.) Stop market timing, start transformation process replication

2.) Stop predicting asset price changes and economic turning points, invest forecast-free

3.) Stop asset class diversification, start risk factor diversification

4.) Rebalance frequently

5.) Only adjust your DSAA when risk factors change

6.) Be vehicle agnostic

7.) Be jurisdiction agnostic

8.) Create a mission driven culture that facilitates open debates and rewards the best reasoning

9.) Develop a long-term investment mindset

10.) Define AA principles as general guidance for an evidence driven, rule-based asset allocation process

11.) Combine your mission driven culture and your rule-based asset allocation process to achieve anti-cyclical investment rhythms

12.) Complement your experience with a scientific decision making framework to utilize both your experience and talent practically.

Back to:

Part 1: The Evolution of Asset Allocation Generations

Part 2: Third Generation Asset Allocation

Part 3: 3GEN Implementation Support

Part 4: Twelve 3GEN Imperatives for Practitioners


Dr. Rania Azmi

Dr. Rania Azmi
Dr. Rania Azmi
Rania Azmi is an adviser to one of the world’s largest Sovereign Wealth Funds. She enjoys a first-hand experience investing in Middle Eastern markets as well as global financial markets. Azmi enjoys 13+ years of private/institutional investing experience, and she believes that the best theory has no purpose unless it is applied in a practical manner. Azmi was chosen by aiCIO magazine as one of the forty under forty brightest stars in institutional investment. She received her Doctorate in Investment Decision Making from the University of Portsmouth and is the author of Making Investment Decisions for Portfolios (Cambridge Scholars, 2013).

Azmi is also an activist for women's positions in business, politics, and society. She has spoken for the World Bank on gender and economics, and was awarded the Google Prize for "Most Interesting and Creative Work." Most recently, she was designated an Egyptian Woman of Influence globally by the Women Speakers Association and contributed a multidimensional model in preparation for the new generation of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals beyond 2015 in support of women.

Mag. Markus Schuller, MBA, MScFE

Mag. Markus Schuller, MBA, MScFE, Panthera Solutions
Mag. Markus Schuller, MBA, MScFE, Panthera Solutions
Markus Schuller is the founder of Panthera Solutions, a Strategic Asset Allocation Consultancy in the Principality of Monaco. Panthera Solutions provides access to the third generation of portfolio optimization techniques to European institutional investors. Panthera´s monthly macro-newsletter (PSC) reaches 10.000+ finance professionals in Germany/Switzerland/Austria and is regularly published in German quality newspapers.

Markus has over 15 years experience in trading, structuring and managing standard and alternative investment products and was working at banks and asset management companies prior to Panthera Solutions. He graduated from his Master in Economics at Johannes Kepler University and University of Pittsburgh, his MBA at the International University of Monaco and his MSc in Financial Engineering degree at IUM. Since 2009 Markus is teaching the courses “Portfolio Theory & Alternative Assets” and “Investment Banking” at the International University of Monaco and established a 3-day workshop on “Third Generation Multi-Asset & Risk Management”, together with Deutsche Börse and Vienna Stock Exchange.

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