Aktuelle Frage im Economics Forum:
„Wie ist die mittelfristige Attraktivität von Emerging Markets im direkten Vergleich zu entwickelten Märkten aus makroökonomischer Sicht einzuschätzen und welche Länder sollten Investoren vor dem Hintergrund einer möglichen Leitzinswende in den USA besonders berücksichtigen oder meiden?“
Current Question in the Economics Forum:
“What is your assessment of the mid-term attractiveness of emerging markets in direct comparison to developed markets and - in light of a potential interest-rate hike in the US - which emerging countries should investors generally focus on or avoid?”
Klicken Sie auf den entsprechenden Experten, um das gesamte Statement angezeigt zu bekommen:
Urban Larson, Emerging Markets Debt Specialist, Standish (BNY Mellon) (29.04.2015):
"While emerging markets as a whole do look set for further volatility in the months ahead, we remain optimistic the market picture will improve. We continue to see genuine opportunities across a growing range of EMD investments given newly attractive valuations and believe investors should not lose sight of some of the fundamental strengths of both the asset class and many of the individual economies which underpin it.
The Mexican peso and Indian rupee are currently increased areas of interest for us. Further, we start to find the Chilean peso attractive. The currency has significantly depreciated in recent months. While the country may be an exporter of copper, making it vulnerable to weak metals prices, it is also a net importer of oil and the lower price of the latter equates to a neutral impact from any major fall in commodity prices. Having traditionally been zero weighted to the India rupee, given regulatory barriers to foreign investment in Indian local bond markets, our strategy now has significant relative exposure to the currency."