CFA Institute European Investment Conference 2015

Donnerstag, 26.11.2015, 07:30 Uhr bis
Freitag, 27.11.2015, 14:00 Uhr

The Guoman Tower Hotel, London

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Attracting delegates from 54 countries, the CFA Institute European Investment Conference is the annual must-attend gathering for Europe’s leading portfolio managers, analysts, chief investment officers, and CEOs.

With sessions designed and delivered by practitioners, for practitioners, this unique conference delivers valuable insights on the region’s most pressing economic developments, alongside sought-after technical workshops led by expert CFA charterholders.

Cohosted by CFA Institute and CFA Society United Kingdom and featuring keynote addresses from Dan Ariely, Anne Richards, and Tim Harford, the 2015 conference returns once more to London’s Guoman Hotel, on 26–27 November 2015.

Alongside renowned plenary speakers, interactive technical workshops will include

  • Equities: Best Practices for Improving Research,
    Jim Valentine, CFA, Founder, AnalystSolutions
  • Quantifying Risk and Performance, 
    Lindsey Matthews, CFA, Head of Quant R&D and Client Development, UBS Delta 
  • Fixed Income: Investing in Distressed Debt, Chris Boehringer, CFA, Managing Director, Oaktree Capital
There will also be sessions on equity risk premium, fixed income, commodities, and more.

This focused, interactive conference provides a truly unique opportunity to gain fresh insights and strengthen your technical expertise whilst networking with like-minded leading investors from across Europe.

*Number of individual countries represented by EIC delegates, 2010–2014.

CFA Institute CE Credit: Qualifies for 8 credit hours, inclusive of 1 hour in the content areas of Standards, Ethics, and Regulations (SER). For CFA Institute members, these credit hours will be updated automatically in your online CE Tracking auto-entry.

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