Aktuelle Frage im Economics Forum:
„Wie beurteilen Sie die bisherige Wirkung des EZB QE-Programms und welche Chancen beziehungsweise Risiken sollten europäische Investoren im weiteren Verlauf der Anleihekäufe unbedingt im Fokus behalten?“
Current Question in the Economics Forum:
“How do you assess the effect of the ECB’s bond purchases to date and what chances and risks should European investors focus on in the further course of the QE program?”
Klicken Sie auf den entsprechenden Experten, um das gesamte Statement angezeigt zu bekommen:
Hans Bevers, Makroökonom, Petercam (02.06.2015):
"In the Eurozone, recent growth figures and leading indicators point to an improving economic momentum. Earlier ECB stimulus measures resulting in lower interest rates and EUR depreciation, reduced budgetary tightening efforts and lower oil prices are driving this cyclical recovery. This is encouraging following years of stagnation. That said, the economic recovery is still nothing to cheer about and could easily be derailed if the negotiations between Greece and its creditors fail.
Underlying inflation, although set to pick up from the current 0.6%, is likely to stay low by historical standards. The ECB has been completely missing its 2% inflation target over the last couple of years and it remains unlikely that the ECB will achieve it anytime soon. Despite improving confidence, recent speculation about reducing the announced QE program is ill-considered and still very premature. If anything, the most prominent risk is that the ECB will have to do more beyond the current stimulus program (officially intended to be carried out until September 2016)."