Scandinavian Fund Day

Dienstag, 05.06.2018, 08:30 Uhr bis
Dienstag, 05.06.2018, 15:00 Uhr

Schwedenhaus, Liechtensteinstraße 51, 1090 Wien

"Professional Investors Only"

Welcome to this exclusive opportunity to meet the leading Scandinavian fund companies at the Swedish Embassy 

The Embassy of Sweden in Austria and Business Sweden invite you to participate at the Scandinavian Fund Day at the Swedish Embassy. On site, you will get to meet selected Scandinavian Funds with high growth-potential and a long record of accomplishment. 

PDF Invitation

Scandinavia is one of the most dynamic and capitalised markets in Europe with economic stability and growth. This has fostered a sound and long term invest culture that has brought wealth to the Scandinavian investors and population. 

Some of the leading funds in Scandinavia will participate such as: 

  • Nordea largest financial services group in Northern Europe, with EUR 189 bn* in assets under management. Nordea’s success is based on a sustainable and unique multi-boutique approach that combines the expertise of specialised internal boutiques with exclusive external competences allowing us to deliver alpha in a stable way for the benefit of our clients. 
  • Lannebo Fonder One of Sweden’s largest fund management boutiques focused on truly active management and world leader within Swedish small cap equities (measured as AuM). With highly ranked funds and numerous fund management awards over the 18 years since its founding, Lannebo is characterized by a meticulously engaged and quality oriented team. 
  • Fondita is an independent boutique fund management company focusing on small and mid cap equities in the Nordics and Europe. Our investment philosophy, based on stock picking, has generated an average net return of around 12 % p.a. since 1997, significantly above relevant benchmark indices. 
  • Carnegie 30 years of active fund management and value investing has placed Carnegie Fonder as one of the leading fund managers within Nordic equities and fixed income with more than € 7 billion in asset under management.
Time Programm
08:30 – 09:00     Registration & Coffee 
09:00 – 09:15  Welcome by Swedish Ambassador in Vienna (TBC)
09:30 – 09:45 Fund Selection in the D/A/CH Region, Albert Reiter,  
09:45 – 10:15  Nordea, Head of Fund Distribution CEE, Johannes Rogy 
10:15 – 10:45  Lannebo Funds, Head of Sales, Daniel Sundqvist 
10:45 – 11:15  Coffee Break 
11:15 – 11:45  Fondita, CEO, Fredrik von Knorring 
11:45 – 12:15      Carnegie Funds, Head of Sales, Peter Gullmert 
12:15 –12:45          Scandinavian Macro Perspective, Business Sweden Chief Economist, Lena Sellgren 
12:45 – 14:00  Lunch with Swedish Ambassador to Vienna (TBC)         
14:00 – 15:00 Networking Possibility to 1 on 1 meetings 

Please note that this event is open for professional investors only!

Please confirm your participation by 28 May 2018 to [email protected]. For questions, please contact Christoffer Bengtsson, +4369912351519. 

Konzentration an den Aktienmärkten: Die dreifache Belastung

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